Sunday, March 28, 2010

for john m

commercials help me realize how invested i am in drama

skintone and light

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

from winy maas

warpvision cont

the whole 'let's make a sandwich!' sequence of gaga telephone looks like an updated warp vision promo from late 8os

Monday, March 22, 2010

on friday i dreamt about pipo. i went back to oberlin and i saw him and we hugged three times and he said i really hurt his feelings by assuming he was dismayed with me and i felt like a different person and he forgave me and i was like a better person, with a pony tail, but it panicked me, it wasn't me, and i had to go walk into london to get this famous blonde guy and his girlfriend from the airport. i had made some photographs earlier that day with my new membership.

on saturday night i dreamt that my dad and i were in paris and we were on the metro but the metro was like these little individual seats that were on the ground and moved freely and you had to tell them where you wanted to go but like i guess how you tell a horse you want to stop and go and i couldnt get off mine and my dad was trying to explain it to me and walk beside me and this older woman with straight white hair smiled at me, it was comforting but i kept riding along and that was strange to be sitting / riding in this crowd of people

last night i dreamt i was driving in the ocean / swimming in the forest and i went to see avery and said let's go shopping! and we were on our way through the forest but then i remembered i had told both my sister and john that i would meet them at 3 15 pm somewhere and it was 3 22 but it was like the worst thing in the world, avery was trying to hide how disgusted she was i could do such a thing and

today my music video professor said 'look at the art world for inspiration, look at whats going on in art. look also at art reference books.'

i dont like working independently and i dont feel that great anymore about there being nothing original since i dont feel original at ripping things off. even taxidermy i had seen before like that.

muzzy tribute

Friday, March 5, 2010

last night i had a dream that my family came and i had to make a music video with them, everyone's family was here and all the families had to make a video. and so my family said we dont know where to begin - what about the theater ? at first i thought, gee great, the theater. and then i felt it was deeply wrong

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010